Thursday, November 28, 2013

Chapter 3: Bad Boy

In chapter 2, it was nice to see the good memories David had with his family. In this chapter, there was a total turn for the worst. David describe mothers disciplinary action turned punishment and physically harming to David. Examining David’s description of mother’s mood and actions some might think she was majorly depressed, but her behaviour seemed to similar James’ case in Dr. Bruce Perry’s book The Boy Who was Raised as a Dog (2006).
James was adopted by before his first birthday, and at the age of six had been in the hospital and residential treatment several time for running away, jumping out of cars and jumping off a balcony. Dr. Perry and his team investigated further, and unravelled that James’ adopted mother was the one who caused James to be hospitalized several times. James’ mother was diagnosed with Munchausen by proxy. Dr. Perry explains Munchausen: “patient tries to make another person, usually a child, sick, in a similar ploy for attention and support” (2006. P.241).
David’s mother, just like James’ mother, came up with lies to explain David’s bruises and injuries. Mother even went as far as taking him to the hospital, and his cub den’s house to receive attention and support. Keep in mind, this syndrome is rare and hard to catch. Mother could be depressed, or David could be a baby from a traumatic event from mother experienced.
David named a few protective factors: When dad was home, mom kept away from David; going to school and being with friends; going into the corner of his room until mother went back to the couch to watch television; and making noise in the garage so mom would think he’s looking for whatever mother claimed she lost. These factors kept David from harm, and even developed an understanding that he can’t avoid being hurt, but he can make it hard for mother to severally hurt him by whine and screaming.  
Here is a video on child abuse:

This video link helps explain what are protective factors

Kevin Francis
3rd year Child and Youth Worker
Sheridan College

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